Back to work after a wonderful Spring Break, lots of sun and relaxation!!
Our Paradise in Florida
Colin will enjoy swimming here a lot!!
Mommy and Daddy enjoying the water on this 85 degree day :0)
I had 2 Dr. appointments this week!! First with Dr. Handal, you are measuring 34 weeks and he thought I was having contractions but turns out my stomach is just hard, abs of steel he said!! Then Friday we got to watch you on an ultrasound which was harder to do because you are all crammed up in my stomach... probably because you are 5 lbs already!!! She said you're not measuring long, just a chunky monkey like your sis Gracie :0)
You have hair on your head and you were sucking your little thumb, so cute!!
Daddy and I decided not to do 4d because we want to be surprised when you are born
Due date May 22
Mommies bet May 8
Daddies bet May 15