

Sunday, June 21, 2015

SUMMER 2015!!!

Wow!! It's been awhile since this G Unit has blogged, it's been one journey to the end of this school year~  We will catch you up on some important events from April and May, Emily Rose was born, we celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary, Easter, Colin turns 4, Memorial Day, and Mommy's big move back to Kindergarten ;)  But now I'll post our Summer adventure so far...

Summer 2015!! Weeks 1 & 2!!
 Morgan turns ONE

 Our Firstie crew!!  Once a firstie always a firstie

 All of my helpers!!  I've had so much support the last month of school

 Kids Last day of school!!!  NKOTB concert with Amy

 It's official!!  Summer is here... Luncheon with my ladies

 Jupiter Habourside

 Jacob turns ONE

 Spending ours days at the beautiful beach

 spending time with your buddies and cousins

 Just hanging around and being silly

 Splashing at the pool!!

 Night out with something yummy!

 Uncle Shaney completes a 70.3 Iron man!  Wow!

 Summer fun at night on the beach!  It's perfect!

Water and park fun!!  You have to stay cool in our Florida summers

Countdown 10-0 to blastoff to NJ!!!
You were very excited for this trip!!  We started our countdown at number 14 and you reminded us multiple times a day how many left!
 reunited with Gracie girl
and AJ & Pops!


 Baptism for Mackenzie Quinn

God Bless this sweet girl, we are so excited you are moving to Florida and will be able to spend so much time together

Mercer County Park to end Week 2 of summer

Deer and a little baby

#1 I've really missed blogging!  #2  I love summer  #3 Look at all our fun!!  #4 I'm so blessed...  Looking forward to sharing all our summer memories together and catching you up on our April/May memories