

Saturday, June 4, 2011

1 Month

Can't believe our lil man is 1 month old today!!!  
Here's 4 things for 4 weeks old!
  1. You are wide awake and love to play every morning, Mommy and Daddy love this time!  It takes you about 15 minutes to wake up but once you're awake you are so much fun!  We sing songs and dance, daddy makes his up and mommy has been singing Lady Gaga, you play in your gym, we practice tummy time, and mommy takes a million pictures and videos!!
  2. You are a big sleeper!!  We can't complain that you love to take 3 to 4 hour naps and you sleep at night too!  GJ said mommy loved to sleep when I was a baby.  At night we swaddle you up, you have tons of blankets but your hospital blanket is the best for this!  You don't like the swaddle blankets because you can't be Houdini and kick yourself out of those!  
  3. You love to lay on our chests, when you are upset or crying this always does the trick to make you happy!  Just a little patting and you are happy as can be!
  4. You had your first visit to the ER!  While skyping with GJ and Granpop you bumped your head on the bottom corner of the laptop and had a little bump on your forehead.  We went to Wellington Hospital and the nurses all loved you.  Even though it was time to eat you were a trooper and waited so patiently until the Dr. saw you, with a quick check he said you were ok and off we went!  You were such a good boy!  Mommy and Daddy had to make sure our little prince was ok!
Time has gone by so fast already but we have enjoyed every moment with you!!  You are loved by so many people you're our little angel :0)

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