

Sunday, December 4, 2011

7 Months!!!

I can't say it enough how much fun we are having with you each day brings a new and adventurous journey!  November was too much fun and went too fast...  we can't believe you're 7 months old today 

Here's 7 on 7

1.  You have not 1, 2, 3, but 4 teeth coming in!!!!  2 bottom and 2 front  You think you would be cranky, have a fever, or sleepless but NOT at all.  You've been taking it like a champ!

2.  Celebrations this month
Mommy's Birthday

Your 1st Thanksgiving

Meeting Santa Claus, we are so excited for your 1st Christmas

3.  Talking!!!  You've started saying dadadada and nananana, we're working on mama!!

You are our alarm clock in the morning as you talk away in your crib and you can get very loud!!

4.  You can sit all by yourself, you are an expert roller, you can inch your way to a toy on your belly (crawling is just around the corner), you are great at grabbing and you are very quick I'm constantly taking things out of your little hands!

5.  Special Trips
Beach w Auntie Krissy
NJ~ you're becoming a frequent flyer
Fun at Sesame Place~ A Very Furry Christmas

6.  You're a big eater and you are eating Stage 2 foods twice a day!  When you're enjoying your bottle you'll put both hands behind your head

7.  Happy as can be!!  Everyone always comments on what a content, happy, and easy baby you are and I couldn't agree more!  Daddy and I are so blessed that you are so easy to please and you are sooo happy!  

We love you so much our smiley little bubba!

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