

Monday, February 4, 2013

21 Months

Happy 21 Months!!
I don't know where time is going but January has zoomed by...  Everyday you are learning and doing new things you amaze us and have us in giggles a lot!  We are really enjoying this age

Here's 21 on 21
1.  You like to drive your cars all over our bodies
2.  You can take off big and little caps from objects
3.  You love bubbles and always know where we hide them
4.  Gracie is back home and you are soooo happy
5.  You have to feed yourself with a fork and you are very good at it
6.  Can't figure out which hand you'll use, you seem to color and eat better with your left hand but you'll still try with your right
7.  You love to color (watch out furniture)
8.  You like when I reverse the camera on my phone so you can see yourself you ham it up
9.  You tell us all done 
10.  You love balls you threw yourself out of the stroller at the fair to run to the game with balls, then proceeded to take a ball from another game and run away with it
11.  When you like a food you say mmmmmm and nod your head yes very dramatic
12.  You like to take our keys and try to put them in the lock on the door
13.  When I say bath time you run to the stairs and get extremely excited
14.  You climb up into your own high chair and you are getting better at buckling yourself into it
15.  You LOVE to sing the clean up song
16.  You can say 1, 2, 3 (of course 3 gives you troubles)
17.  You can roll your arms as we sing Patty Cake and Wheels on the Bus
18.  You like to play with your buddy Mickey Mouse
19.  Daddy is already teaching you how to play T Ball in our backyard
20.  You absolutely love trains you say Choo Choo
21.  The way you run cracks us up, belly out butt out and arms out swinging (I need to video this for your future wife)

Here's 21 snapshots

I have to admit this month was hard to limit it to 21 there is so much I could say about you, we just love you so much bubba, bubby, bubs, Colin!

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