

Thursday, March 10, 2011

School Shower

Thursday, March 10
Today my Kindergarten Team went over and beyond and threw a wonderful baby shower for baby Colin!!!!  Here is a glimpse of the football themed decor and delicious food...

Banana Cake

Cheese Platter, Fruit, Meatballs, pita chips with toffee dip, and 
chocolate covered strawberries
Yummy!!!!! All of my favorites

The best for last!!! My wonderful Kindergarten Team!!!

Thank you for all the wonderful gifts for our lil man!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have a really nice group of teachers that you work with Jana...you can tell they like you a lot and I totally understand why! What an adorable shower and so thoughtful! Sending lots of love to you and Colin from NJ! xoxoxo
