

Saturday, February 4, 2012

9 Months!!

Another month bites the dust...
January came and went so fast if I could just find a way to slow down time!

Here's 9 on 9

1.  You are crawling so fast!  You love to chase Gracie, you will follow us around the house and you're an expert at finding anything you're not supposed to get in!

2.  You can pull yourself up on your knees and you're getting good at balancing yourself without holding on
 I will NOT need this chair mommy!

3.  For several months I have heard dada, for the first time the other night you started saying mama and baba!!!  (I have yet to capture it on video)

4.  Your hair is growing in thick and you are getting curls in the back of your head

5.  You will play and stare at your shadow, you are so observant!

Yes, you love being in just your diaper!

6.  You are a good eater~ you LOVE oatmeal with fruit daddy feeds you this every morning, and at dinnertime you won't mind eating your veggies either!
 eating with daddy

7.  You love cartoons in the morning... Your favorite is Little Einsteins you won't take your eyes off of it, you also enjoy Mickey and Agent Oso (My class loved it when I started singing 3 special steps to them) and of course ELMO!!

8.  You LOVE jewelry!  You like watches and bracelets but I swear you have radar eyes for my long necklaces, games over if I'm wearing one!

9.  You have such a personality already!!  You will dance when Elmo plays, you know the ringing for skype on the computer you will crawl as fast you can to the computer and put your face right into the camera and laugh at GJ and Pops, when you want out of your crib you will hold on the railings and pull at the bumper pillows we had to take down the football ones you were ripping all the ribbons out, you think its funny to grab the little guys on your mobile, you also think daddy and Gracie are the funniest things on Earth, you can be on the go but you also love to cuddle and be held, you have been making the funniest faces lately you make us laugh so much!
bye bye cute bumper pillows!

Our lazy dude

Words can't even describe how much love and joy you bring to everyone
We love you so so so so so much!  

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